Emily Howard

Short biography
Emily Howard leads on zoos and aquariums for PGAV Destinations, a global leader in the planning and design of unique destinations, where she has been instrumental in creating a range of well-rounded, innovative, and awe-inspiring projects. She has over 24 years of experience in the sector and is passionate about her work, as well as all the living things involved with it. Recently, Emily has led PGAV to open a number of successful projects, for instance at the Saint Louis Aquarium in St. Louis, Missouri, which went on to win a Thea Award from the TEA in 2021, the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia, the Mississippi Aquarium in Gulfport, Mississippi, Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater, Florida and the Aquarium at the Boardwalk in Branson, Missouri. Emily goes above and beyond the standards in every way, bringing the unexpected to each project in a way to better serve every person and animal involved in a project. The resulting experiences are awe-inspiring and enriching for both the visitors AND animals. Emily creates experiences that reach clients’ mission of conservation and education through powerful storytelling (accessible to everyone through inclusive design), sustainable design, and creating habitats that bring out the very best in animals through enrichment and high-quality care.