انضم إلى عالم المتعة والأعمال

نحن هيئة IAAPA. نربط صناعة الجاذبيات المتنوعة والديناميكية، لصالح الجميع. من خلال مجتمعنا، ننمو ونطور أشخاصنا وشركاتنا وصناعتنا.
تقرير البحث
اتجاهات الاستدامة في عمليات ملاهي المياه: تعظيم الكفاءة ورضا الضيوف
استطلاع الأعضاء

شارك في استطلاعنا الأخير وشارك أفكارك حول المواضيع والأخبار الصناعية الهامة

Featured Article

The Empowerer: Massimiliano Freddi Opens Up to Funworld

The 2025 IAAPA chairman shares insights into business, life, and helping others.

Read more

IAAPA Honors

Europa-Park, Germany
28 - 30 April, 2025

Get ready for a vibrant celebration of excellence and a testament to the incredible talent and ingenuity thriving within our global community.


تعزيز بروتوكولات السلامة في بيئات ملاعب الماء

قوة العمل وممارسات التوظيف

تعتبر القوة العاملة حاسمة لصناعتنا. ستساعد مدخلاتك حول ممارسات القوة العاملة في تعزيز ترجمة IAAPA للسياسات المدعومة وتبادل أفضل الممارسات لتحسين التوظيف والاحتفاظ بالعاملين.

شارك رأيك

عرض الشريك

خصم بنسبة 15٪ على أنظمة حجز التذاكر والعلامات الرقمية من شركة حلول تك ويف

Quarterly Outlook Survey for Q1 2025

Take part in IAAPA's Quarterly Outlook Survey!

Help kick-off IAAPA’s 2025 research initiatives by participating in this important survey. This study started in July 2023 among attraction facilities, and we are excited to expand it to include our manufacturer, supplier, and consultant partners. This forward-looking survey will gauge your outlook on future business and economic conditions over the next six months. Participants are the first to receive detailed results.

Share your insights today!

Industry and Education Events


Discover Innovation

Witness mind-blowing technology, immersive experiences, and groundbreaking attractions that will redefine the future of entertainment at a IAAPA Expo.

Connect with a Global Network

IAAPA provides year-round opportunities to build relationships, share knowledge, and collaborate with colleagues from around the world.

Grow your knowledge

IAAPA offers a comprehensive suite of educational resources, including webinars, conferences, and publications, to keep you informed and inspired.

Shaping the Future of Attractions

IAAPA's Public Affairs efforts protect the interests of the global attractions industry, working with governments to ensure a sustainable and thriving future for our members.

Empowering the Industry with Safety Knowledge

IAAPA's safety programs combine comprehensive education with proactive prevention strategies. We provide resources and training to empower members with the knowledge and tools they need to prevent incidents and create a secure environment for guests and employees.

Explore Every Corner of the Attractions Industry

Whether you're passionate about amusement parks, a fan of zoos and nature, or a supporter of local businesses, IAAPA connects you to a world of fun and innovation.

Connect with the Real Stories Behind the Fun

Follow our social media for authentic stories, special moments, and behind-the-scenes looks from the attractions world.
